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To see or not to see?

This piece as a very deep depiction on the internal theory of dreams and its qualities. Reading through various psychological views on dreams, I discovered that dreams can be 10% black and white which is very rare.I also found out that it is extremely hard for some people to naturally try to recollect what they had dreamt of and it usually appears to them as a plain black canvas with small hints of aspects from their dream.  Apart from the supernatural dream visions that are stereotypical, people also dream about the most common objects in life such as cutting paper or eating with a knife.Holding on this concept, I got inspired by an artist calle Louise Nevelson who created pieces called “assemblages” in when she out together random objects from her life and stuck them into a box and painted them in one color. Therefore I decided to put daily life objects like scissors, teddybears,  and bracelets onto a blank canvas and I painted them all white. This represented the vividness of dreams that are usually black and white where I know what the object is, but I cannot clearly see it since it is beneath a whole layer of white paint, aka a layer of the inability to recollect dreams. It is as crazy as it sounds, but expressing this in an artistic way makes to easier to understand for a common man.

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