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For my final piece, I have created a 3D piece that wraps up my entire purpose of my ISU. My final thesis has evolved to be about the expressions of dreams sticking to the theme of abstraction. All I want to convey from this piece is that dreams cannot be expressed in words and even if they do, they are nothing but a blob of nothing that no one understands.

My material choice is done in a freehand way. I chose everything that I found and could be used to make my confetti into my artwork. I also used a very colorful material choice since I wanted to create the illusion of uncomprehend able blob of nothing.

During this ISU piece, I had aimed to carefully plan my entire process and plan the aesthetics on how it will look exactly. This way I saved time thinking about my ifs and finished my work early. This also helped maintain the initial quality and the aesthetics and I planned to do.


The 2 things I am proud of are my piece turned out exactly how I vision it. One surprising part of the piece was that some classmates were able to view the confetti blob through the mask’s eyehole. In this way, I felt that I had done the job of portraying my dream and also giving the audience a chance to perceive my idea in their way. The next thing I am proud of is that I was able to experiment with a variety of media and all of it turned out very well and better than I expected.


In my opinion, I would have tried harder to achieve the exact vision of pieces that I had planned which I could not achieve due to time contains and material restrictions. If I had done that I think my ISUs would have turned out way way better than what they did right now.


I would like to see more specific projects in this course rather than so many ISU pieces. In this way, when artwork is more focused on a particular concept rather a theme that is going all over the place.


In this course, I have learnt that it is very important to present your ideas in a way you want to rather than in a way that audience would find it easy to understand. Up until now, I was always conscious about will anyone understand my art, but this term because of the free choice of themes, I had a chance to explain myself in the way I actually am.


My peers had said that they liked my concept and how I had used art to express my feelings. They also liked my two-pieced facemask and the idea behind it.


They wished that I used maybe two slates on the opposite of each other to show a positive and negative side of my dream.


I think my peers have inspired me largely to what I have become now. All their good comments and great improvement ideas have helped shape my ISU pieces in a way that even I wouldn’t think of.


Unexpectedly and surprising they understood my artwork very nicely. They were able to perceive it in their own way and come up very unique explanations following the lines of my explanation.


They had always told me to continue on with creating sculptures and that is exactly what I did which I am very proud of today. They  and their artwork both has challenged and pushed me harder every time to create more and more mesmerizing art pieces.


As an artist, I have learnt to experiment with sculpturing more than I ever had before. This had made my step out of comfort zone to create more artwork that is out of my level of creativity.

Due in e-portfolio: June 18th


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